Tag: Vintage

  • Look What Got Resurrected For Dia De Los Muertos

    It’s Frrrrancis! …And me.  Also me. Hi, Interweb. This blog suffered the triple threat: missing knitting mojo, missing writing mojo, and missing camera. All of my writing energy was going to my internship at ScientificBlogging, and then my real job. It was hot, and I was cranky, and there was a rock in my shoe.…

  • Victorian Adventure Socks!

    Still trying to recapture the ol’ knitting mojo. It’s a good thing my grad knitting group cancelled itself today, because I’d have showed up with nothing but gauge swatches to work on. While I try very hard to answer the important questions of pre-knitting, I’d like to share a few of my triumphs from The…

  • It… brings you back? groaaaannnn

    The Mad Vortex has many fine entries relating to the subject of knitting, but this new one might be my favorite.

  • Vintage summer knitting pattern links

    Wow, thanks for all the support regarding the Rumplestiltskin Incident. I really appreciate your thoughts and/or indignation on the matter, not to mention suggestions for other places to shop in the Sacramento area. ^__^ I’ll finish replying to the comments really soon. Until then, please enjoy some vintage pattern links: Via Dress A Day‘s Friday…