Look What Got Resurrected For Dia De Los Muertos
It’s Frrrrancis! …And me. Also me. Hi, Interweb. This blog suffered the triple threat: missing knitting mojo, missing writing mojo, and missing camera. All of my writing energy was going to my internship at ScientificBlogging, and then my real job. It was hot, and I was cranky, and there was a rock in my shoe.…
Mighty Morphin’ Minisweater
And whatever happened to that previous going-to-a-wedding minisweater, the gauge-adjusted Anthropologie capelet? Early last fall it changed into a beautiful butterfly. This sweater’s name is Meteora. I would name everything Meteora if Linkin Park hadn’t ruined it for the rest of us. Meteora is the Queen of the Asteroids from The Christmas Toy, which “influenced”…
Oh, NOW I know what uses four balls of Cashsoft.
I think I found my will to knit last night. Have you seen this?? It’s a set-in sleeve calculator, and I’m going to try it out! * Whilst mentally tabulating sweater needs vs. yarn possession vs. stuff I can knit while watching the Daily Show, a recurring theme was– yeah, a freakin’ minisweater. To go…
Victorian Adventure Socks!
Still trying to recapture the ol’ knitting mojo. It’s a good thing my grad knitting group cancelled itself today, because I’d have showed up with nothing but gauge swatches to work on. While I try very hard to answer the important questions of pre-knitting, I’d like to share a few of my triumphs from The…
“Lucky” is “Finished”
… and I am, shall we say, “dissatisfied” with the results*. I’d planned this to have zero ease, but that didn’t happen very much. Except in the sleeves. Finished Lucky v1.0 had an extended side tie. Pardon the flamenco-poses here, but I am trying to show the amount of RAW UNADULTERATED CINCH required to tie…
Looks like February went the way of October around here. The time away was used wisely, I promise. I passed my grad prelims and leveled up in crochet. If that looks like Chanson en Crochet to you, you’re on the right track. But, the awards! Carrie, Connie, and Claire all gave me the You Make…
Vintage summer knitting pattern links
Wow, thanks for all the support regarding the Rumplestiltskin Incident. I really appreciate your thoughts and/or indignation on the matter, not to mention suggestions for other places to shop in the Sacramento area. ^__^ I’ll finish replying to the comments really soon. Until then, please enjoy some vintage pattern links: Via Dress A Day‘s Friday…
Don’t Do What Donny Don’t Does #2
Sock The First is finished, and I already have to make a repair on it. Let me tell you about the sewn kitchener bindoff in Kureyon Sock– don’t. The yarn broke while I was binding it off, so there’s a spit splice in the bindoff somewhere. (Kureyon Sock spit splices like a champion.) After finishing…
Skein malfunction?
I’m writing from my office now. We’re having some major storms here, and power has been out in the house for over 24 hours. There wasn’t much to do yesterday besides bundle up and knit in the dark. Everything past the light purple bit was done in the dark yesterday, so please keep in mind…
Finished: The Big Green
While I’m busy futzing around with the Widdershin Heel on these pesky Noro socks, I’d like to show off my green sweater! Check it out! I’m wearing it, and it buttons and everything, and the pockets work! It’s pretty much exactly what I wanted, and though I screwed up the cable on it somewhere, I’m…