Reading Roundup
Did you know: Back in ye olde early days of the internet, the purpose of a ‘weblog’ was generally to provide a digest of links? TMYK, baby! Here are a few things I’ve read recently that are worth sharing. Mintyfresh‘s finished Shocking Skirt, from an IK in 2004. Minty took a pattern that had fallen…
Yep, this blog sure does bring the belated research.
When Interweave Crochet goes quarterly, it too will have an editor who started out in internet-land: CrochetMe’s Kim Werker. The intent of this post is not at all to cast aspersions on the accomplishments of Eunny and Kim. God knows they deserve to be editors, and they both will do awesome jobs. Nay, the purpose…
Search Engines, Please Find Bitch Nation Lucky Clover Wrap Sweater.
When I was preparing to start Lucky last week, I searched for finished ones on the internet and found very few. I’m sure that this is partly because almost nobody wants to make a wrap sweater on size-3 needles, but I also found this: A post about Lucky from split yarn in 2005. The important…