October Roundup, Pt. 2:
This shall include the general non-sock happenings of October II: Which Turned Out To Be Not Such A More-Better October After All. The other thing that has happened on my knitting needles lately is this sweater: No longer a swatch, it is now an impressive hill of slightly ordered green Ultra Alpaca. It is also…
Terrorists: your game is through, ’cause now you’ve got to answer to…
My finished socks. Specs: 4×4 rib pattern, on US0 40? circular needles, 450yds of Froehlich Blauband Special. For interested parties doing some kind of yarn economy calculation, I used 100% of that 250 yds on each sock, on 64 sts with no calf increases; they knit to 14? calves, but wear at 12?. I’ve already…
October Roundup, Pt. 1:
So! October is generally my favorite month, but this year I rate it a capital SUCK. I want October back. I hear people gearing up for NaNoWriMo and NaKniSweMo, but I’m getting ready for October II: The More-Better October. To anyone who didn’t get an email reply to their comment in the last non-month: Sorry.…
Cavity-Free in 2007
So, just because I didn’t post for a month does not mean I didn’t rant for a month. I bitched about the state of knitting all month long, to anyone who would listen. I shook my fist and I swore that when I returned to bloggery, the world would KNOW of my ire, possibly in…
Pure Knits submission: Finished.
The air has finally dipped below ninety degrees. The figs are ripe. The tomatoes are overripe. The new freshmen are starting to arrive. Justin Timberlake cancelled his Sacramento shows, the next season of The Office is poised to burst onto network television, and I think– I think– it is time for me to start pretending…
Last Week, Part II.
Which, I guess, is actually two weeks ago now. The story behind the following picture is that I didn’t actually rendezvous with my Pure Knits yarn until I got back home to California. Instead, some serious sockage happened. I finished a mate to a single sock that has been hanging around since like 2005, and…
The Last Week In Knitting, Part I
Well, that’s a slightly better picture of the last-minute minisweater. There’s significantly more shape-ambiguity, but there’s much less bathroominess. That’s me and my mom and the totally orange dress in some parking lot in New Jersey, moments before some Starbucks and Chik-fil-A happened. The rush-rush sweater was a pretty big hit, but admittedly not quite…
I win!
It’s finished! I’ll replace it with a better picture (one with less… bathroom mirror detritus?) next week, when I get back from everywhere in the country that is on I-80. Near I-80 in Pennsylvania, my yarn for Pure Knits is going to arrive at a friend’s house and wait for me. I’m all a-flutter. Um,…
Five days until a new finished sweater that I won’t have time to blog about.
Next Friday I’ll be in NJ, where I grew up. I’m going to a wedding. Boy was I smug when I found a dress on sale, a full month in advance. No procrastinating for me! I win! Problem: Yesterday morning I tried the dress on, and discovered that the dress print is in fact orange,…
This post contains acrylic.
First, thanks for all of the helpful comments about the blog weirdness. I’m glad the page doesn’t look completely broken to you. It seems that earlier versions of IE have issues with my theme, and one of my plugins trips an error message in some browsers. I’m going to do something about the plugin… soonish.…