The most Mittful Colbert Report ever
Patriotic “half-gloves” knitted by fan Janice Lantern from Michigan, on Colbert last night. (You can see ‘em right at the beginning of the Jan. 16 clip.) Between this and the Threat Alert Ballband Warshrag, it seems that the Huckabee/Colbert ticket might give Barack Obama some competition for the knitter vote.
Don’t Do What Donny Don’t Does #2
Sock The First is finished, and I already have to make a repair on it. Let me tell you about the sewn kitchener bindoff in Kureyon Sock– don’t. The yarn broke while I was binding it off, so there’s a spit splice in the bindoff somewhere. (Kureyon Sock spit splices like a champion.) After finishing…
Skein malfunction?
I’m writing from my office now. We’re having some major storms here, and power has been out in the house for over 24 hours. There wasn’t much to do yesterday besides bundle up and knit in the dark. Everything past the light purple bit was done in the dark yesterday, so please keep in mind…
Finished: The Big Green
While I’m busy futzing around with the Widdershin Heel on these pesky Noro socks, I’d like to show off my green sweater! Check it out! I’m wearing it, and it buttons and everything, and the pockets work! It’s pretty much exactly what I wanted, and though I screwed up the cable on it somewhere, I’m…
Happy new year, folks! It’s time for me to get started on what I hope will be a fine year of knitting stuff, documenting it, and complaining about the results! Whooo! I am pretty satisfied with my yarn collection. I have enough for most of what I want to make, and I’ve found myself really…
Hacky Sack Hoodie: Lapped Collar Walkthrough
I received a very good question about the Hoodie’s instructions: In the body/neck section, when you start slipping stitches onto a dpn, what exactly is supposed to be happening? That part of the pattern creates the overlapped collar, and also serves to join the two ends of your knitting so that you can continue in…
Son of Stitch ‘N Bitch Book Signing: no pictures of the luchador mask. 🙁
This is me with Debbie Stoller at her Dec. 10 book signing at Moe’s in Berkeley. We’re all Christmassy! I wish I had a better photo of her rad sweater, but let’s just get on with the post, shall we. Since I missed her Sacramento-area appearance, I and Davis’ Finest Knitters, Julia and Natalie, drove…
Sock Wars on the Wall Street Journal
Many thanks to Julia for the link. Cute article from an outsider’s perspective. I always love it when the WSJ puts out stuff that relates to knit culture. From the article, Julie Gardner: “The whole ‘knitting is the new yoga’ cliche had been irritating a good few of us”. Is “knitting is the new Assassins”…
December: Better than all of the Octobers were
So you know how people worry that Ravelry will be the death of blogs? Haven’t you happened upon a blogger or two lately who put all her stuff up on Ravelry, but neglected to document it blogside? Well, now you’ve happened upon a blogger or three. Blogging apparently has a lot in common with eating…
The Hacky Sack Sweater…
…is my pattern in Son of Stitch ‘N Bitch! Which was bestowed upon my mailbox this week! If you’ve noticed that 100% of my two published patterns are hoodies, then give yourself a pat on the back. If it ain’t got a hood, it ain’t no good. I intend to say that to my grandkids…