Well, that’s a slightly better picture of the last-minute minisweater. There’s significantly more shape-ambiguity, but there’s much less bathroominess. That’s me and my mom and the totally orange dress in some parking lot in New Jersey, moments before some Starbucks and Chik-fil-A happened.
The rush-rush sweater was a pretty big hit, but admittedly not quite so much as Grace, which I wore when I met my family at the airport. Um. It got petted. In fact, both of my sweaters got petted, but Grace suffered some serious petting at the hands of my mom, grandmother, and aunt. There was a definite pattern of (pet sweater) Wow, you made this? It’s gorgeous!” (pet hair) “Your hair got so looong!” (pet sweater) “Do you dry-clean this? You hand-wash? No Way!” (pet hair) Repeat, repeat, repeat.
I’m way behind in most of my general knitting activities, and I stand to remain that way for the rest of the month. I’ve got to pick up speed on my Pure Knits sweater, so blogging about actual stuff that I’m working on is going to be a little scarce. In the name of filibuster, here’s a picture of me on the trip, wearing the tee shirt I was born to wear. R Stevens may not know it, but he totally designed it for me. Also, if you look carefully, you’ll see that my head is in fact the world’s largest truck stop. Signs don’t lie.
Next up: More pictures of knitting, less pictures of me.