When I was preparing to start Lucky last week, I searched for finished ones on the internet and found very few. I’m sure that this is partly because almost nobody wants to make a wrap sweater on size-3 needles, but I also found this:
A post about Lucky from split yarn in 2005.
The important highlights of this post are that:
1. There are some possibly serious errors in this pattern, and corrections can not be found on the knithappens site.
2. There used to be a knit-along for Lucky hosted by Lolly of Project Spectrum, and it contained an officially SnB Nation-sanctioned fix. I tried searching for this knit-along, but it appears to have been resorbed by the internet. I should really just email Lolly and ask what happened rather than idly blogging about it, but I wanted to note how awesome it is that people boldly undertook a small-gauge sweater project in numbers great enough to warrant a knit-along. Take that, novelty scarves.
3. The ensuing venting in the post’s comments is worth reading if you, like me, have any interest in the technical aspects and general future of pattern writing. Keeping those complaints about errata in mind, test-knitting every pattern before publication is often not economically feasible. Until knitting tech editing takes a big jump forward, I’d rather have good books like Stitch N Bitch nation cost $15.00 with a few later-published errata instead of $30.00-$50.00 with impeccable tech writing at first printing.
We internet-savvy knitters can make up for pattern problems by helping each other out. In science, people publish partly so that people can work off of each other’s research success. In knitting, we tend to do this in a less organized fashion through blogs and knit-alongs.
I haven’t found any errors in the Lucky clover lace pattern yet, but if I do, I’ll post them and my own fix. If anyone finds this blog by searching for Lucky errata, I’d be more than happy to help you through any of it. Knitting math is kind-of my thing. Just drop me an email; the button is in the upper-left corner of the page.