Referring to my previous post here: Of the options bandied about in the Destash fallout, Yarn Sale Or Swap ( is the most promising heir to Destash. [Opinion amended: check out Destash! and read edit below]. This is simply because the other Destashlets never bothered to set themselves up properly (except for For The Love Of Yarn Classifieds, which is a ghost town). I’m going to go ahead and send some love in the direction of YSOS– the name and blog theme are less polished than its predecessor, but the rules are pretty much the same. As a big bonus, hostess Sherri answered my email for membership promptly, whereas Destash checked their requests once a week. In fact, I respect YSOS because the whole operation doesn’t reek of the loathe that Teri and Susan had for Destash at the end. (Here’s a tip: It’s declasse to quit even volunteer posts without offering two weeks’ notice and a bit of help installing your successor.)
Now, I’m not in the general habit of hating on other people’s auctions, but someone on YSOS offered Greetings from the Knit Cafe and Knit2Together (and nothing else) for the Low, Low Price of $17.00 and 19.50 respectively! Which would, of course, be a great price if you, me, and ostensibly that seller hadn’t all bought those books for $5 during that Amazon sale a couple of weeks ago. Heck, K2T is still $5.50 and KC is $16.47. I’m thinking that the no-visible-wear copy of Yarn Cafe might not have reaaaally come out of her stash, as per YSOS rules? Hmmmm?
P.S.: Stitch ‘N Bitch Nation is on sale for an unthinkable 3.19 new, 1.00 used. If you are at all interested in any individual pattern from this book, OR if you buy books for libraries near Davis, California, now’s the time.
Minutes after I posted this, the vigilant Adrienne pointed me in the direction of Destash! (, which (at a glance) has a pretty good setup. For starters, the site design does not clash with the yarn. It looks like in general, more yarn is posted to this site than YSOS, and I’m glad to see that there are more moderators to handle the traffic. I must retract my earlier ignorant pronouncements. Yarn trade blog cannibalism can totally happen.