Two nun links means that this blog brings the research.

Yeah, yeah, this is all over the internet now. Greek nuns flee the crushing debt of a failed knitting business.


These are nuns who had the savvy to attend fashion week. I want to know: With all the ridiculous coverage of fashion shows and celebrities that attended, why did we not hear about the nuns taking notes in the back?

Also: If the nuns had employed some clever niche marketing, and also provided a line of ostensibly nun-touched tweedy yarns for knitters, you know hippie-looking Volkswagen drivers like me would be buying that stuff like crazy. People buy jam made by monks for pretty much the same nebulous and tasty reasons.

And now, a more positive nun knitting link. I use this article as evidence to prove the point that nuns really are the ultimate badasses, surpassing ninjas and those popular kids at the other lunch table. When a nun knits frivolous drink bottle cozies, it suddenly seems excruciatingly cool.

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