Don’t Do What Donny Don’t Does #2

Figure 136: In the secret garden

Sock The First is finished, and I already have to make a repair on it. Let me tell you about the sewn kitchener bindoff in Kureyon Sock– don’t. The yarn broke while I was binding it off, so there’s a spit splice in the bindoff somewhere. (Kureyon Sock spit splices like a champion.)

After finishing and gingerly stretching the bindoff to ensure that the splice held, I triumphantly tried on my sock. Sigh. The bindoff snapped at some other weak spot while the spit splice remained intact. Maybe I should have just spit spliced the entire bindoff, Noro. Or hell, let’s just felt the whole damn sock and get it over with. This is only going to end in tears.

The takeaway message here, esteemed knitting friends, is that if you’re going to knit something in Kureyon Sock, don’t do it toe-up. Make it top down so that you have a nice flexible cast-on row at the top of your ribbing. My sock is 10 inches from top to heel flap; I think you could safely knit nine inches before the heel on a ladies’ medium sock. That includes some safety length to account for gauge differences and whatnot.

Or, you could just not buy Kureyon Sock, since it’s clearly kind of an incompetent sock yarn. But people are doing some amazing things with it on Ravelry. (Be sure to check the stranded ones. If you have a Ravelry account, that is.) Stupid inspiring yarn. I am cursed with about five billion ideas for Kureyon Sock that I wish I didn’t have.

In other news, my blog has been hit by some kind of post-destroying bot or something lately. I have no idea what’s up with that. But if you see a post with a lot of r/n/r/n stuff in it before I see it, let me know.

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