After a wash, it returned to the perfect size. Unfortunately, the surface now has a fine allover pill, kind of like those one-piece napped footie pajamas I had as a kid. You can kind-of see the fiber-trading between stitches in the photo there.
I should have seen that coming. While I was knitting, the yarn shed green-blue over everything. My fingernails looked like I’d been scratching a Smurf. The shedding often made it look dirty, and the yarn picked up lint like nobody’s business.
I’m not disappointed, though. The sweater fits now, I had fun knitting it, and I’ll defintely wear it. I just probably won’t buy Pima/Tencel again, and that’s a shame. Their persimmony orange is the best orange. I will hear no arguments.
However! This sweater totally rocks in another respect. It brought my knitting mojo back, especially for my terror project, Stripey Thing. I’ve been loathing knitting Stripey Thing since December. It was, in fact, supposed to be finished in December. (I’m a bad friend.) In the last couple of days I added another foot of work to Stripey Thing.
See the X? Rad. I kind of like you again, Stripey Thing.