…is a term project presentation. I don’t usually get horribly worked up about ten minute presentations, but now that it’s over I feel all kinds of great. I presented on root canals, so at least I can rest assured that the whole audience had a great time sitting around contemplating the decay and subsequent hollowing of their own teeth.
So, things are alright now except for one oddity– it’s superhot here. WTF, California. It’s March, and I’m hanging out in a tank top and shorts wondering what will become of all of my recent wooly endeavors. Something about the start of warm weather always makes me want to sew rather than knit. My first non-knit of the year is yet another incarnation of that 4-panel skirt I’ve been remaking from the same pattern since the dawn of time. Perhaps it’s good that I cast on the lightweight Lucky Clover sweater? I can’t look at my stranded herringbone work-in-progress without feeling some kind of vague shame, but I really don’t feel like picking it up or touching it right now.