The Persistence of Pandemic Shirts
Hey, wasn’t it terrifying/cool when we all got sent to shelter-in-place, and those of us with a working sewing machine had practically an historic mandate to spin artistic gold from our existing fabric collection? I’ve loved seeing other folks on the internet take a deeper dive into couture and vintage. I went in a totally…
We’re Crafthole now.
Work-In-Progress, check; Wednesday, not so much.
I made these graphics so I can call them up every time I need it, which currently seems to be about three times a year. I’m holding steady at about two projects that need only a weekend of work, a bunch of socks in various states of disarray, and a pile of pretty distracty yarn.…
Summer Rerun
Greetings! You probably heard that the online knitting magazine formerly residing at magknits.com recently disappeared in a cloud of controversy. All of the not-lazy creators immediately posted their designs as free Ravelry downloads. Me? I had to take a month or two to mull it over. Here’s A PDF version of Judith, and an additional…
Right under the wire, it is my monthly “I’M NOT DEAD” CHECK-IN
Hello, internet! I’m not dead! I’m just busy. My knitting has been very existent and very rad this May, with a heavy dose of math that was fun to do but not so much fun to write about. Wouldn’t be fun to read about, either. That particular SWEATERVENTURE will be finished enough to post about…
Dear “Soak” Tech Support:
The label reads Some color may bleed into the water– don’t worry, this won’t harm your garment or yarn. After five or six washes, I must admit that I’m starting to worry.
Swatching is Serious Business
Let’s get to the punch line first: If you’re hitting about 4-4.5 sts per inch on a swatch of the SUGGESTED YARN on the Hacky Sack Hoodie, you will most likely be able to make the pattern’s gauge after washing and blocking your sweater. The gauge for both the Hacky Sack Hoodie and Judith are…
Looks like February went the way of October around here. The time away was used wisely, I promise. I passed my grad prelims and leveled up in crochet. If that looks like Chanson en Crochet to you, you’re on the right track. But, the awards! Carrie, Connie, and Claire all gave me the You Make…
Kureyon Socks: Finished
Let the hand-washing commence!
Pure Knits submission: Finished.
The air has finally dipped below ninety degrees. The figs are ripe. The tomatoes are overripe. The new freshmen are starting to arrive. Justin Timberlake cancelled his Sacramento shows, the next season of The Office is poised to burst onto network television, and I think– I think– it is time for me to start pretending…