The day I snuck onto my own site just to suckerpunch it
Damn, it’s dusty here. It feels a little bit weird to break a two-year silence. I’ve been sewing and knitting in the wilds beyond the internet, and it felt great. But the urge to talk shop to strangers on the web dies hard. Today I posted my first project entry on Burdastyle and the Sew…
Look What Got Resurrected For Dia De Los Muertos
It’s Frrrrancis! …And me. Also me. Hi, Interweb. This blog suffered the triple threat: missing knitting mojo, missing writing mojo, and missing camera. All of my writing energy was going to my internship at ScientificBlogging, and then my real job. It was hot, and I was cranky, and there was a rock in my shoe.…
Mighty Morphin’ Minisweater
And whatever happened to that previous going-to-a-wedding minisweater, the gauge-adjusted Anthropologie capelet? Early last fall it changed into a beautiful butterfly. This sweater’s name is Meteora. I would name everything Meteora if Linkin Park hadn’t ruined it for the rest of us. Meteora is the Queen of the Asteroids from The Christmas Toy, which “influenced”…
Oh, NOW I know what uses four balls of Cashsoft.
I think I found my will to knit last night. Have you seen this?? It’s a set-in sleeve calculator, and I’m going to try it out! * Whilst mentally tabulating sweater needs vs. yarn possession vs. stuff I can knit while watching the Daily Show, a recurring theme was– yeah, a freakin’ minisweater. To go…
Victorian Adventure Socks!
Still trying to recapture the ol’ knitting mojo. It’s a good thing my grad knitting group cancelled itself today, because I’d have showed up with nothing but gauge swatches to work on. While I try very hard to answer the important questions of pre-knitting, I’d like to share a few of my triumphs from The…
The LOSE in Knit The Hell Upland
I’d love to tell you about the stuff that I’ve been knitting, but as of yesterday I’m not sure if I’m actually knitting anything at the mo. I burned out on socks (more in another post) and was happily getting my knit on with Francis, Revisited. New knitters, try this pattern. It’s a great first…
As it turns out, I was not dead! My computer and camera were, though. Funny thing, that. It makes it hard to blog. Didn’t make it hard to knit, though. Since we last spoke, I wrote some patterns, made some sweaters, ripped out some more-different sweaters, revisted the hell out of Francis, and went on…
It… brings you back? groaaaannnn
The Mad Vortex has many fine entries relating to the subject of knitting, but this new one might be my favorite.
“Lucky” is “Finished”
… and I am, shall we say, “dissatisfied” with the results*. I’d planned this to have zero ease, but that didn’t happen very much. Except in the sleeves. Finished Lucky v1.0 had an extended side tie. Pardon the flamenco-poses here, but I am trying to show the amount of RAW UNADULTERATED CINCH required to tie…
Summer Rerun
Greetings! You probably heard that the online knitting magazine formerly residing at magknits.com recently disappeared in a cloud of controversy. All of the not-lazy creators immediately posted their designs as free Ravelry downloads. Me? I had to take a month or two to mull it over. Here’s A PDF version of Judith, and an additional…